Scandal as Ugandan housewives ask for trips to Dubai amidst high costs of leaving.

Ugandan House wives ask for trips to Dubai

On it again is Uganda at large. At times we even forget who rules this country. For sure the Ugandan president has a lot of issues to tackle both local and international.

Earlier this morning, Mothers, and housewives were seen floating in the city with striking charts. Striking is ok as long as they take the right path, but the most confusing factor is the reason why they are striking.

Lately every homestead, more so those from the middle and third-class families have been complaining about the costs of leaving headed by the surging prices of soap. But here comes the sad part as housewives requested trips to Dubai.

As Postdator, we are still looking for the main reason for this strike.

Ugandan House wives demand for trips to Dubai
Ugandan Housewives demand for trips to Dubai
  • Wives also deserve trips to Dubai
  • Our husbands are no longer eating at home
  • Increase kameeza money
  • Dear husband, the best food is at home.

Those are some of the reasons for their strike. As Postdator, we hope to talk to husbands to increase the Kameeza money but the trips to Dubai will be discussed by Uganda Airlines management.

Should we expect an increased number of housewives flying out of the country for a vacation in Dubai? Well, stay with Postdator, we shall keep you posted.

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